
Friday, November 1, 2019

Turkey Pot Pie

2 batches pie crust dough
2 T olive oil
2 - 2.25 lbs or 3 turkey drumsticks
1 - 1.25 lbs turkey breast cutlets or tenderloins
2 medium onions
small batch or 4-5 medium carrots
1/2 stalk celery
8 oz green beans
8 oz button mushrooms
1 bulb garlic
2 bay leaves
1 t salt
1 t pepper
1 stick butter
52 g cornstarch
2 t salt
4 t dried thyme
1/2 C white wine
1 C frozen peas
1 C frozen corn
1 1/2 C half and half

Remove meat from drumsticks and store in refrigerator near tenderloins.
Place stock pot over medium high heat and drizzle in olive oil.
Place raw drumstick bones and skin into pot.
Let turkey bones sear into bottom of pot, stirring very infrequently.
Let turkey bones cook while preparing turkey and vegetables.
Cube turkey thighs and breast and refrigerate.
Wash all vegetables.
Dice 1 C each of onions, carrots, celery, beans, and mushrooms.
Set aside and refrigerate.
Roughly chop vegetable remains for stock.
Keep onion skins, carrot peels, carrot greens, celery leaves, etc.
Cut garlic bulb in half to expose raw cloves and include skins for stock.
Once vegetable remains and garlic are prepared, add to stock pot.
Add 10 C water, 2 bay leaves, 2 t salt, and 2 t pepper.
Bring to a boil and reduce heat, simmering partially covered for 2 hours.
One at a time, make two full batches of pie crust dough.
Refrigerate in 4 discs and return attention to stock.
Strain through colander over mixing bowl.
Should yield 3 C turkey stock; further reduce if necessary.
(Mushrooms and turkey meat are perfectly good for snacking.)
Blind bake two single crust bottoms at 350 for 75 mins.
As bottom crusts are baking, melt butter in Dutch oven.
Whisk together cornstarch, salt, and thyme.
Coat turkey tenderloins and thighs with dry ingredients.
Cook turkey until browned.
Add stock, deglaze, and boil for 10 mins, stirring.
Add onions, carrots, celery, beans, and mushrooms.
Add wine and let boil a few mins.
Remove from heat and add frozen peas and corn.
Stir in half and half.
Pour filling into crust and shape top double crusts as directed.
Cover edges with pie crust shield.
Move pie to middle rack and bake at 425 for 25 mins.
Reduce temp to 375 and bake another 25 mins.
Let cool for at least 1 hour and serve with cranberry sauce.
Yields two pies.


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