
Friday, September 25, 2020

Puppy Chow (Muddy Buddies)

10 oz semisweet chocolate chips
6 oz smooth peanut butter
4 T unsalted butter
1/4 t salt
2 t vanilla
12 oz box rice Chex cereal
300 g or 2 1/2 C powdered sugar

Melt chocolate, peanut butter, butter, and salt together over low heat.
Once almost smooth, remove from heat.
Stir until smooth and add vanilla.
Let cool until very thick.
In a large mixing bowl, alternate thick chocolate and Chex.
Stir very gently to combine until completely coated.
If not very sticky and thick, allow to cool again.
Place 1 C sugar in very large bag.
Place 1/2 cereal on top.
Layer in another C sugar, remaining cereal, and last 1/2 C sugar.
Close the bag tightly and shake.
Store in an airtight container.

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