pie crust dough5 eggs, separated
200 g sugar
38 g corn starch
1/4 t salt
1/2 C lemon juice (2-3 lemons)
1 T lemon zest
1 1/3 C water
2 T butter, room temp
1/2 t cream of tartar
100 g sugar
1/8 t salt
Partially blind bake pie crust.
Preheat oven to 350.
In a glass measuring cup, collect the egg yolks.
Set whites aside for later.
Prepare a glass bowl over a pan of water on the stove.
Whisk together sugar, cornstarch, salt, lemon juice, and zest.
Over medium heat, whisk in water.
Whisk until bubbling and thick, then reduce heat to low.
Whisking vigorously, add two spoonfuls of lemon mixture to yolks.
Very slowly while constantly whisking, pour yolks into glass bowl.
Increase heat to medium and cook until thick with big bubbles.
Remove from heat and whisk in butter.
Spread into pie crust.
Beat whites at medium speed with cream of tartar for 1 min.
Increase to high speed until soft peaks form.
Gradually add sugar and salt, beating to until stiff glossy peaks form.
Spread meringue onto pie, all the way to the crust.
Bake on lowest oven rack 20-25 mins.
Cool for 1 hour at room temp.
Chill at least 4 hours.
Eat same day if possible.