Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Lan's Bitter Hearts

60 oz semisweet chocolate, tempered
1 lb or 260 pretzels (Rold Gold's tiny twists work nicely)
triple batch candied peel and ginger

Temper chocolate in 3 large piping bags to avoid overfilling.
Lay pretzels side by side on parchment paper or silpats.
(260 pretzels requires about 6 silpat-lined baking sheets.)
Remove 1 bag of chocolate from the 90° water and leave the other 2.
Make sure bag is completely dry and taped shut on the open end.
Snip tip so opening on one side of the bag is about 1/4".
Pipe chocolate into a heart shape, flooding inside of pretzels.
Drop candied peel and ginger onto wet chocolate.
Let set until firm.
Yields more bitter hearts than you can eat.


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